• A frog is an amphibian. It spends part of its life in water and part on land.
  • A frog has two long hind legs that help it jump. Some can leap over 20 times their body length using their strong hind legs.

    leaping frog

  • A frog has two short front legs that help prop the frog up when it sits or gets ready to jump. The frog lands on its front legs.
  • A frog's feet are webbed, so it is a good swimmer.

    frog swimming

  • A frog's eyes and nose are on top of its head. It can breathe and see when most of its body is under the water.
  • A frog has two bulging eyes. A frog can make its eyes go in and out of the sockets.
  • A frog's ears are on the sides of its head, just behind the eyes.
  • The frog's long sticky tongue is attached to the front of its mouth.
  • Frogs are cold-blooded. A frog's body temperature is the same as the surrounding temperature.
  • A frog's skin is moist and smooth..
  • Frogs do not drink water, but absorb water through their skin.
  • A frog has lungs for breathing but also breathes through its skin.
  • A frog sheds its skin and then eats it. Shedding the skin helps to keeps a frog healthy.
  • A baby frog is called a "tadpole" or "pollywog" (also spelled "polliwog").
NEXT - life cycle (from egg to adult)

BACK - All About Frogs

May, 2007

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