CHARACTERS (10) - Narrator, Mother Goat, 7 kids, wolf

NARRATOR - A mother goat lived in a house near the woods with her seven little kids.

MOTHER - Kids! Come here at once

KIDS - Yes, mother. Here we are.

MOTHER - I'm going to get some food. While I'm gone you must stay in the house. Watch out for the wolf. If the wolf comes in, he'll eat you.

KIDS - We'll be careful.

MOTHER - Keep the door locked and you'll be safe. Remember - you can tell the wolf by his crackly voice and his black paws. Do not let him in.

KID 1 - He won't get us. Don't worry, Mother.

KID 2 - We will be safe in our house.

MOTHER - Good-bye. Be very careful I'll hurry back.

NARRATOR - When Mother Goat left, the kids began to play. Soon the wolf came to the door. He was dressed like Mother Goat.

KID 3 - I hear someone at the door. Maybe Mother is back.

WOLF - Open the door. I am your mother. I have something for you.

KID 4 - What did you bring us?

WOLF - I've brought you all kinds of goodies to eat.

KID 5 - That does not sound like Mother's voice.

KID 6 - This is a trick. You are not our mother.

KID 7 - Our mother's voice is soft. Yours is not. You are the wolf.

WOLF - Drat! I will have to change my voice.

NARRATOR - The wolf ran to the store to get some cream.

WOLF - The cream will make my voice sound soft and pretty.

NARRATOR - Then the wolf ran back to the goats' house.

WOLF - Children, open the door. I am your mother. I have something for your supper.

KID 1 - It sounds like mother.

NARRATOR - The little kids went to the door. They peeked out the window and saw black feet on the window sill.

KID 2 - Black feet ! Our mother has white feet!

KID 3 - It's the wolf. Go away!

KID 4 - We will not let you in.

KIDS - Go away !

WOLF - Drat! Back to the store again.

NARRATOR - So the wolf ran to the store and asked for some flour. The wolf put white flour on his black feet and ran back to the house.

WOLF - Open the door. I'm home at last.

KID 5 - It sounds like our mother.

NARRATOR - So the kids peeked out the window.

KID 6 - Show us your feet.

NARRATOR - The wolf put his feet on the window. They looked white now.

KID 7 - It's Mother! You can come in, mother.

NARRATOR - When the kids opened the door, the wolf jumped in. The kids ran under the table and chairs. The smallest one hid in the big clock. The wolf caught them one by one and put them into a big flour bag.

WOLF - Now that I have all of you in this big bag I can take you home and eat you.

NARRATOR - But the smallest goat was still safe inside the clock. When Mother Goat came home she called to her kids.

MOTHER - Hello! Mother's back! Where are you?

KID 7 - Mother, here I am, in the big clock. Let me out.

MOTHER - What happened! Where are all the other kids?

KID 7 - The wolf came. He tricked us. He was dressed like you and he had a soft voice and white feet. We thought it was you.

MOTHER - Oh, dear. How shall we ever get them back. Let's go and find the wicked wolf.

NARRATOR - She found the wolf sleeping by the side of the road with the bag of kids close by.

MOTHER - There's the wolf. Sh-h-h-h! Run back home quickly and get my scissors. Hurry.

NARRATOR - The little goat soon came back with his mother's huge scissors..

NARRATOR - Mother Goat made a hole in the bag and out jumped her children. The kids were so glad to see their mother.

MOTHER - Sh-h-h! We must be very quiet. Everyone get some rocks.

NARRATOR - They put rocks into the bag. Mother Goat sewed up the bag and away they ran. Soon the wolf woke up.

WOLF - That was a good nap. Now I must get this bag home.

NARRATOR - The bag was very heavy and the wolf could not carry it far.

WOLF - This bag is so heavy and I am getting very hungry. I shall eat a few of the goats and take the rest home.

NARRATOR - He opened the bag.

WOLF - Rocks! Nothing but rocks! I've been tricked.

NARRATOR - That night the wolf went to sleep hungry.