NARRATOR 1 - Once upon a time a little old man and a little old woman lived in a little old house in the woods

OLD MAN - Wife it is so lonely without any children.

OLD WOMAN - I am going to make a little gingerbread boy.

NARRATOR 2 - So she took some dough and shaped it into a gingerbread boy. Then she put it in the oven

NARRATOR 1 - When it was ready she opened the door. Out jumped the gingerbread boy and away he ran

OLD WOMAN - Stop! Stop! Come back! Come back!.

BOY - Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.

NARRATOR 2 - The little old man saw the gingerbread boy running along.

OLD MAN - Stop! Come back! Come back!

BOY - Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.
I ran away from the little old woman And I can run away from you, too, I can and I can.

NARRATOR 1 - Then into the woods he ran. He ran by a little rabbit.

RABBIT - Stop! Stop! Come back! Come back!

BOY - Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.
I ran away from the little old woman and a little old man And I can run away from you, too, I can and I can.

NARRATOR 2 - The rabbit jumped along as fast as he could but he could not catch the gingerbread boy.

NARRATOR 1 - A bear cub was looking for berries as the gingerbread boy went running by.

BEAR CUB - Stop! Stop! Come back! Come back!

BOY - Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.
I ran away from the little old woman and a little old man, and a rabbit
And I can run away from you, too, I can and I can.

NARRATOR 2 - A fox saw him as he ran by.

FOX - Watch out, gingerbread boy.

BOY - Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.
I ran away from the little old woman and a little old man, and a rabbit, and a bear cub
And I can run away from you, too, I can and I can.

FOX - I don't want to catch you. But you are coming to a pond and I will give you a ride on my tail. Then you won't get wet

BOY - Thank you!

NARRATOR 1 - And the gingerbread boy got onto the fox's tail. The fox started to swim.

FOX - The water is getting deeper. Get on my back or you will get wet.

NARRATOR 2 - The gingerbread boy got onto the fox's back.

FOX - The water is getting deeper. Get up on my nose or you will get wet.

NARRATOR 1 - So the gingerbread boy got up onto the fox's nose.


NARRATOR 1 and 2 - And that was the end of the gingerbread boy!