NARRATOR 1 – Far away in the big woods was a little pond. Animals lived near the pond. They thought the pond was beautiful.

NARRATOR 2 – An old log reached out over the water. A black bear sometimes walked along the log. He came to the pond to catch fish.

NARRATOR 3 – Rabbits nibbled the soft green grass that grew near the pond.

NARRATOR 4 – A mother duck quacked to her baby ducks in the pond.

NARRATOR 5 – Bees buzzed around the flowers that grew on the shore nearby.

NARRATOR 6 – The birds and the raccoons like the little pond, too.

NARRATOR 7– Just after dark the deer came to the pond for a drink of water.

NARRATOR 1 – One summer it was very hot for many days. There was no rain. The hot sun was drying up the little pond.

RABBIT – The green grass that I like to eat is turning brown and dry.

BEE – Buzz, buzz. There are no flowers left for me to buzz around.

BEAR – There are no fish in the pond for me to catch and eat.

NARRATOR 2 – Every day it was hot and no rain came.

DEER – There is no water left for me to drink. What shall we do?

RABBIT, BEE, BEAR – What shall we do?

DUCK – Quack! Quack! I know! Far away through the trees is a big blue lake. It is so big that the sun cannot dry it up. I saw it as I flew over the woods.

NARRATOR 3 – All the animals listened to what the duck said.

DUCK – Do you want to go to this big lake? I will show you the way.

RABBIT, BEE, BEAR, DEER – We will go with you. We must have water.

DUCK – Quack! Quack! Just follow me.

NARRATOR 4 – The animals followed the duck. Through the hot dry woods they went. The raccoon saw them.

RACCOON - Where are you going?

RABBIT, BEE, BEAR, DEER, DUCK – We are going to find water.

RACCOON – I ‘ll come too.

NARRATOR 5– So on and on the animals went. The woods were dry and it was very hot.

ANIMALS – It is so hot. We need some water to drink.

DUCK – I will fly ahead and see if we are near the lake yet.

NARRATOR 6 – So the duck flew up over the treetops.

DUCK – I have found it! I see the lake! There is enough water for everyone. It is not far now.

NARRATOR 7 – Soon the animals could see the big lake. How pretty it looked.

NARRATOR 1 – The animals stayed by the big blue lake for many days.

NARRATOR 2 – There was water to swim in and water to drink.

NARRATOR 3 – There was green grass and many beautiful flowers.

NARRATOR 4 – But the animals missed their own little pond in the woods.

NARRATOR 5 – One day the sky was gray and big raindrops fell. Everything was wet. It rained and rained. When the rain stopped, the sun came out.

DUCK – Quack! Quack! I have just been to our pond. The rain has filled the pond with water.

DEER – We can go back home now.

BEE – Buzz, buzz. I am ready to go back home.

RABBIT – I want to go back to our home, too

RACCOON – Quick, let’s go right now.

.BEAR - Duck, please show us the way back to our pond.

NARRATOR 6 – Back through the woods went the animals. They did not think the trip was a long one this time.

NARRATOR 7– Soon they were back at their little pond. It was filled with water again. The grass was green. Flowers grew by the shore.

DUCK, BEE, BEAR, DEER, RABBIT, RACCOON – It is so nice to be back home again