Characters - narrator, farmer, sheep, pig, 2 geese, rooster, wolf 1, wolf 2, wolf 3

NARRATOR - One morning a long time ago a farmer was looking at his sheep.

FARMER - Well, well, my fine sheep. You are growing bigger and bigger. Soon I shall be having you for dinner.

NARRATOR - The sheep had a plan and waited till the farmer left.

SHEEP - I will be having something to say about that. I can hide from him so that he can't eat me.

NARRATOR - The sheep headed straight to the pen of a lazy pig. He found the pig gobbling up corn.

SHEEP - Hello! I hope you know why the farmer feeds you so well.

PIG - I don't know why.

SHEEP - Well, I do. Just a few minutes ago the farmer told me that he is going to eat you. But I'll help you save yourself.

PIG - Oh, no! I do not want to be eaten. What can we do ?

SHEEP - We can go away and hide in the forest. We can build a house of our own in the wild woods.

PIG - Let's leave at once. Let's take the shortest path to the forest.

NARRATOR - On the way to the wild woods, the sheep and the pig met two geese.

GOOSE 1 - Hello. What are you doing on such a fine day?

SHEEP - We are going to build a house and live together in the woods.

GOOSE 2 - May we go too? Having a home to share with friends would be nice.

GOOSE 1 - Yes, it would be very nice to have a house and friends.

PIG - Hmmm. Everyone who goes along must work. Can you cut down trees to make a house?

GOOSE 2 - No, geese can't cut down trees.

GOOSE 1 - But we can cover the roof with branches and fill the wide cracks with leaves.

GOOSE 2 - Then no wind can come in. No rain can come through the cracks and get you wet.

PIG - Oh, I don't want to get wet. Our roof must be covered.

SHEEP - Come along with us to the wild woods.

NARRATOR - So the four animals went on together. Soon they met a rooster.

ROOSTER - Where are you going?

SHEEP - To the wild woods to build a house for all of us to live in.

ROOSTER - I hope you'll let me come, too.

PIG - Hmmm. Can you cut down trees and hammer boards?

ROOSTER - No. I'm the smallest one of all. I can't do heavy work, but I can crow loudly. I'll wake you up early so you'll have plenty of time to work.

PIG - All right! You can help even if you are the smallest.

NARRATOR - The five animals went on together until they came to the wild woods. There they began to build their house.

SHEEP - I will cut down the trees and make the boards.

PIG - I'll hammer the boards together.

GOOSE 1 - We will cover the roof and fill the wide cracks.

ROOSTER - I will wake everybody up early each morning.

NARRATOR - The animals were busy working on their house. They were very happy when their house was done. But they did not know that a mean wolf family lived nearby. One morning the biggest wolf said

WOLF 1 - I saw some silly farm animals yesterday in the forest. I am going to visit them.

NARRATOR - The five friends saw the wolf coming. They knew how mean a wolf can be, so they got ready to drive him away.

SHEEP - I can knock the wolf down with my strong horns.

PIG - I can stamp on the wolf with my feet.

GOOSE 1 - I can bite the wolf on his ears and nose.

GOOSE 2 - I'll pull the hair on his chin.

ROOSTER - And I will call out loudly to scare him.

NARRATOR - The animals left the door wide open and waited inside. As soon as the wolf stepped through the door, the sheep knocked him down and rolled him outside, the pig stamped on the wolf, the geese bit him and pulled his hair. The rooster flew to the housetop and squawked loudly

ROOSTER - Bite him! Bite him! Bite him!

NARRATOR - The wolf had such a bad scare that he picked himself up and ran home as fast as he could run. The wolf's brothers were waiting there for him.

WOLF 2 - That was a very short visit.

WOLF 3 - I can hardly tell who you are. You have bites and bumps all over you.

WOLF 2 - Brother, your chin hasn't a hair left on it. What happened? Did you visit those silly farm animals?

WOLF 1 - Yes. I had a terrible time. Those big bad animals caught me and stamped on me and tried to gobble me up.

WOLF 3 - You must have been so afraid.

WOLF 1 - Yes! And they roared like lions. They said "Bite him! Bite him!"

WOLF 3 - Dear me, if those mean farm animals are going to say here in the woods, we must move away.

NARRATOR - So the wolf family moved at once. From that day on the five friends lived together in their home in the wild woods. They were as happy as could be.



