How plants and trees survive the cold weather.

How carefully did you read the page about PLANTS in WINTER ?

See how many of these True or False questions you can get right.

If you click on the \/ you will get the correct answer.

1. An annual is a type of tree.

2. Annuals do not survive the winter.

3. Most trees die during the winter.

4. Plants produce seeds in the spring.

5. Perennials are plants that survive the winter.

6. Some trees do not lose their leaves in the fall.

7. In the summer, heat, light, water and minerals become less available so the trees shed their leaves.

8. Coniferous trees produce cones.

9. The leaves on the trees change color in the winter, when there is no food supply.

10. Some plants are able to grow again in the spring because their roots were protected by the snow during the winter .

Go BACK to reread PLANTS IN WINTER if you made too many mistakes.

Go on to learn about ANIMALS in WINTER .